This TV Package documents the Sorted Surf Festival which took place on 19th and 20th March 2011. The event showcased what could be achieved when a community pulls together to put on a free event for the benefit of the public.
Note: Unfortunately I must confess there are a couple of errors which are uncorrectable after nothing saved on Final Cut Express, so many apologies to Mark Slater who was infact the winner of the Stand Up Paddle Boarding event, sorry about that.
Special thanks to Shaun Taylor and colleagues of the Sorted Surf Shop, Alison Orchard, Len Orchard, Mark Petty, Mark Slater, Liz Welch, Matt Welch, Adrian Steele, Grant David Read, Ruby Tian Hong Yu and many others who I may have accidentally forgotten. Without whom this TV package would never have been made at all!
Thanks for watching.