Sunday, 17 March 2013

Legal in Amsterdam (documentary voiceover)

Photography by Chu

Recently a talented Bournemouth television production team visited Amsterdam to ask the question, how long will cannabis remain legal in Amsterdam?

Coffee shops frequent the streets of Amsterdam, but dissimilar to the UK and many other coutries in the world they are permitted to sell cannabis.

Marijuana, weed, hash, pot, reefer, grass, dope, ganja, Mary Jane, whatever name you know it by, under Amsterdam law, a person is legally allowed to buy five grams of marijuana and carry up to 30 grams. With the average gram of hash priced at around €6, according to online travel guide Time Out Amsterdam, a steady inflow of tourism supporting the cannabis industry is unsurprising.

But how do the citizen of Amsterdam feel about the haze of cannabis use in their city?

Legal in Amsterdam (2013) was produced, filmed and edited by Bournemouth University Television Production students: Scott Craig, Hannah Hussey, Tyron Porter, James Rogers, Josie Dudley, Diamond King and Mia Konstantinovaite. I provided the voiceover.

Give it a watch to hear intriguing debate on the cannabis culture in Amsterdam...

Legal in Amsterdam (2013) from Scott Craig on Vimeo.

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Energy drinks: the canned caffeine creeping into our children's lives

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Energy drinks: the canned caffeine creeping into our children's lives

From the playgrounds to students studying late into the night and partying early into the morning hours. Joshua Saunders investigates how energy drinks are not only stealing our kids's sleep but could be putting their lives at risk.

A gaggle of five school children, no older than eleven, stand at the side of a compact cornershop, metres away from Pimlico tube station. They’re discussing which drink to buy, admiring the rack of sugared beverages before them. “This one’s the cheapest,” says a freckled blond haired boy, pointing to an energy drink.

His friends consider the recommendation, glancing over the endless array of fizzy caffeinated beverages before them. All but two of them purchase the home brand energy drink available at their fingertips for 39 pence.

At the time I was a spectator watching as the shopkeeper scans the cans that bear the warning ‘not recommended for children’. Unaware or disinterested he waives their age aside and sells drinks they were not intended to consume.

Several days previously to this, in November last year, the parents of young Anais Fournier lost a lawsuit of ‘wrongful death’ against energy drink corporation Monster. Anais, who was only 14 at the time, had consumed two 24-ounce cans of Monster Mega Energy. She suffered cardiac arrest after taking in 480mg of caffeine, the equivalent to 14 cans of Coca Cola, which she had drank in just over 24 hours, which aggravated an underlying heart condition. Neither Anais or her parents were aware of this weakness that was caused by a genetic disorder.

The coroner concluded that “cardiac arrhythmia due to caffeine toxicity complicating mitral valve regurgitation in the setting of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome” was responsible for her death. “Anything that weakens the heart can increase sensitivity to caffeine’s cardiovascular impacts,” commented cardiologist Rita Redberg.

This sensitivity to caffeine and a lack of knowledge about how caffeine affects younger people and their bodies is to blame for the sad story of young Anais. Her parents decided to switch off her life support machine after she had lay dormant in a medically induced coma for six days. This is not the only case of where a child has been hospitalised after consuming energy drinks.

The case shocked the world, casting doubt and uncertainty over the safety of energy drinks, leaving many of us, myself included, questioning: how many more children and teenagers could be at risk?

Despite this the British Soft Drinks Association (BSDA) documented in 2011, that we as a nation drank 495 million litres of energy drinks, the equivalent of 198 Olympic sized swimming pools.

The market leader is Red Bull, which is the third best selling soft drink in Britain selling more than 230 million cans last year.

“Red Bull gives you wings,” “Unleash the beast,” “Party like a Rockstar,” “Go Full Throttle or go home” are a few of the common slogans employed by energy drink advertisers to entice purchasers displaying the uplifting energized effect of what some refer to as ‘canned adrenaline’.

The BSDA, who represent the soft drinks industry, issued a code of practice to prevent people below the age of 16 from being targeted by advertising for energy drinks. But despite this, many large companies sponsor extreme sports, skateboarders, sportsmen and competitions that are predominantly watched and participated in by children and teenagers.
Mother Tina Brazier from Sutton Coldfield, near Birmingham was concerned to find that Jacob, her son, had been consuming between five and six cans of energy drinks a day at their local skatepark. 

“Red Bull have their own sections on extreme sports channels and the majority of their audience is at the lower end of the teenage scale, who then aspire to be like them,” says Tina. “My nine year old’s obsessed with skateboarding programmes. So now he’s being drip fed by the same advertising.”

Jacob was 13 when he developed a series of bladder infections and at times was urinating blood. Doctors could not pin down after to a specific cause, even after numerous tests. “One evening he kept going to the toilet, and then he’d go to the toilet again he’d say, ‘it’s not fair my tummy’s hurting.'”

“It seemed that there was a direct correlation between the energy drinks he was having and the effects it was having on his bladder. It was irritating him a lot.”

A Canadian health report suggests that children aged 13 and under should not take any more than 2.5mg of caffeine per kg of body weight. The average weight for a 12-13 year old hovers around seven to eight stone, meaning the highest amount of caffeine children of that age should consume is 119 mg.

However in the average 500ml can of energy drinks Monster and Rockstar there is 160mg of caffeine, and the slightly denser 475ml can of Red Bull contains fractionally less.

“Jacob seems very hyper when he’s had them, speaking at twenty million miles per hour, unable to sit still and fidgeting,” Tina explained. “He now knows he can’t have them, but they are quite blinkered at that age and so doesn’t consider things.” Weeks earlier this innocent naivety was highlighted to Tina, when her nine-year-old son returned from the shop with a ‘ginormous can of monster’. “Three young children can go into a shop and freely buy energy drinks, with legislation they wouldn’t be able to do that,” she stressed.

Currently there is no legislation to prevent a child of any age from purchasing energy drinks. The only barrier between kids and energy drinks are the shopkeepers, whether they choose to sell to minors is at their own discretion. 

“You can buy them in the shops and drink as much as you can, which is where some of the health concerns come in,” says Dr Michael Duncan of Coventry University’s biomolecular and sport science department. He said: “energy drinks are packed up as a ready to go high caffeine solution,” not tailored to an individual’s own tolerance level.

One report, from the University of Miami’s paediatrics department suggests, “These drinks have been reported in association with serious adverse effects, especially in children, adolescents, and young adults with seizures, diabetes, cardiac abnormalities, mood and behavioral disorders or those who take certain medications.”

They warned that high-caffeine drinks could “exacerbate cardiac conditions” in children resulting in “hypertension, irregular heartbeats and even sudden death.”

We put our queries to three of the largest energy drinks companies. Neither Monster, Red Bull nor Relentless replied to our questions about the safety of their products towards teenagers and children. However in previous statements they have made the following comments: “Red Bull should be part of a balanced and varied diet as well as a healthy lifestyle.” Monster - “Our products are safe based on both our and the industry’s long track record and the scientific evidence supporting the safety of our ingredients.” No comment from Relentless could be found.

“The reality is they’re very accessible and popular and you see kids drinking energy drinks all the time,” says MP Robert Wilson. The Reading East representative is calling for clarity on whether they pose risk or danger to young consumers. “Without looking thoroughly at what ingredients like taurine do to the body from state-commissioned research, we’re effectively playing a game of Russian Roulette. It’s time we took this issue rather more seriously,” he added.

Across the pond in Canada there are now laws preventing any non-resealable energy drinks from containing more than 180mg of caffeine. But Huffington Post columnist Steven LaFleur opposes the newly implemented laws believing, “For the amount of resources required to implement this type of legislation you could run all kinds of public education or health efforts.”

As of December 2014, under EU law all energy drinks companies will be forced to disclose the caffeine content per 100ml on the front of their cans. Along with the current requirements stating ‘high caffeine content’ and ‘not recommended for children, or pregnant or breastfeeding women’.
But is this enough - will labelling effectively cull the younger generation’s thirst for caffeinated drinks? The answer I suspect is no. Similarly, if laws were passed banning shopkeepers from selling energy drinks to children it risks making them into another adolescent taboo. The only effective measure against children putting themselves in harm’s way is education. Although at a time where the wallets of the taxpayer are tighter than an anaconda’s grip, public outreach programmes could also be out of the question.

“If you have a mature and honest conversation with your children about the effects of caffeine and sugar, I think you have a better chance of influencing their behaviour than any broad [legislative] approach,” suggests Steven LaFleur. And perhaps responsibility should be returned to us, the sensible parents, family, neighbours and friends of caffeine consuming kids...

Experts allude to the fact that further research must be done, specifically into the ingredients taurine, guarana and other stimulants to unravel how truly safe energy drinks are. But until that definitive point they are still available in more than 140 countries worldwide and all that we can do is try to educate young people about safe and moderate caffeine consumption

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Dance teacher Lou Coel from Northampton, said:
“One girl I teach brought an energy drink to my lesson, she’s nine. At that age they shouldn’t be having them because they will be bouncing off the walls one minute, then sleeping and feeling depressed the next.”

Mumsnet member Becca Cobham from Lydney said:
“Kids that age are drinking them to get a buzz, and they are stimulants. You worry that they could found out about something stronger, like legal highs on the internet."


Student Ashley Humber, 19, from Christchurch said:
“I've gone through phases where I've polished off a six pack of Red Bull in a morning, in two hours. I've been there in cold sweats, really scatty and not unsure of where I am, everything feels different.”


Television production student Loti Bradley, 21, from Lincolnshire said:
"They made me feel more awake and stimulated so I could get on with work and improve my concentration but in the end I was relying on them rather than having them for enjoyment."

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Alternatives to energy drinks and understanding energy (video)

In our quest to understand alternative energy sources we visited Bournemouth's varsity tennis team to see how they maintain stamina into the final moments of a match and tried out a few other options to energy drinks ourselves...

Tweet in your ideas to #altenergy or follow @SaundersJoshua for more.

Check out the outtakes...

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Caffeine misuse: the dangers of consuming too many energy drinks (audio)

Energy drinks are hastily populating our supermarket shelves, yet many people are unaware of how dangerous the over consumption of caffeine can be. I spoke to Lottie Bradley and Lou Coel about when their relationships with canned caffeinated beverages turned sour…

Original song: Black Gold by Elliot Miller (

Click on the links below to find out more about energy drinks

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Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Concealed caffeine: how much is in your food and drink? (infographic)

How much caffeine is in your food and drink, caffeine consumption - Joshua Saunders
Weighing in: we're analysing the caffeine content in our everyday purchases
| photography Joshua Saunders

If caffeine is a drug then we are an ever expanding world of drug addicts. It's in our teas, coffees, energy drinks even small amounts are sneaked into some of our chocolate bars. Some students are even brewing their own caffeinated beers. But how much caffeine is actually contained within our day to day purchases? But first feast your eyes upon some statistics that might leave a sour taste in your throat...
Global caffeine consumption The Department of Health and the National Diet and Nutrition Survey (2011, UK) The National Institute of Nutrition (2012, India)
Experts are yet to specify a precise figure for the maximum milligrams of caffeine we should consume in one day. However, Dr Michael Duncan from Coventry University who has experimented with caffeine and the way it affects the central nervous system over several years, outlined several measurements from his research.
"When you give someone 9 milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of body weight in one go they do tend to have some adverse reactions. Once you go above that they will just vomit, you get nauseous and vomit and you can also get some gastrointestinal distress." 
"But that's a lot of caffeine. You're talking about 8, 9 ,10 coffees in one go so it's a lot for the body to handle in one instance," he added.

From tests, he found that once the body takes between six and seven mg of caffeine per kg of body weight: "you do get a tremor, effectively the central nervous system is activated when you ingest caffeine."

"You get a lot of additional muscle contraction which cause tremors throughout the body or a change in heart rate because it's stimulating the body," he added.

With this in mind check out our findings below to find out if your daily diet and energy levels are being topped up by a caffeinated kick.

You can register your energy drink intake on our caffeine consumption in the UK on our interactive map.


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Energy drinks: how much canned caffeine are you consuming? (interactive map)

Energy drink consumption in the UK - Abdallahh's photostream
Energy drinks are one of the UK's fastest growing markets, here we're mapping your consumption rates
| photography Abdullahh's Photostream
From stressed students slurping through the early hours to adults looking for a midday kick of adrenaline, as a nation we are the world's second largest energy drinks market, only falling slightly behind the USA. But how many energy drinks are the Great British public consuming and why? Take our energy drinks survey and help us map caffeine consumption in the UK.

Energy drinks are one of the UK's fastest growing markets, here we're mapping your consumption rates | photography Abdullahh's Photostream

Caffeine appears in our everyday p
urchases, from our hot and cold drinks even our chocolatey snacks. But particularly our drinks where larger quantities of caffeine are present, regular energy drinks can carry anywhere between 90-160mg in a standard 500ml serving.

Although others stimulation products on the market have been noted to contain considerably more, such as 5-Hour Energy 2 fl.oz energy shot that conceals more than 138mg of caffeine.

According to last year's report by the British Soft Drink Association(BSDA), as a nation we downed more than 495 million litres of energy drinks. If you found that statistic hard to swallow, that figure works out at just over 7.9 litres per person in the UK a year.

Our habitual consumption of energy drinks is unsurprisingly making them the fastest growing sector of the soft drinks industry. From one trip to a nearby supermarket, we managed to count over ten varieties of energy drink, with brands Red Bull, Monster and Rockstar pioneering the energy drink revolution.

The BSDA's annual account attributes this surge in popularity and consumption to the fast paced nature of every day life in the UK and the need to remain alert. They said:

"People with longer working hours and more stressful lives continue to use energy drinks to help them get through their busy lives."  

But what are your reasons for you consuming energy drinks? Have your say in our survey and join fellow energy guzzlers on our interactive map below. Click on the pinpoints to read more.

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