Sunday, 27 February 2011

Donnie Darko

"I can do anything I want and so can you," Frank, Donnie Darko.
Running time: 123 minutes (1hour53mins)

We all have a destiny, a purpose for our existence. Donnie Darko (Jake Gyllenhaal) discovers his after narrowly avoiding death, thanks to a demonic looking bunny who leads him out of his bedroom, where a jet engine later lands. "The world will end in 28 days," tells Frank, the newly found friend in the costume who only Donnie can see.

Acting under the manipulation of the anti-Easter bunny, Donnie commits criminal acts, his sanity lessening, leading him to question time, space and the laws of physics in an attempt to understand what Frank meant before the countdown to apocalypse concludes.

Keep an eye out for Patrick Swayze, Drew Barrymore, and Maggie Gyllenhaal, onscreen and real-life sister to the protagonist.

Also it has one of the most catchiest songs that I've heard in a long time, thank you Echo and the Bunnymen.

Enter : Trailer

Richard Kelly's classic psychological-thriller, is only comparable in modest flickers nowadays, such as in Christopher Nolan's Inception, which is something that I personally deem to be a tragedy.

So if you would quite like to join the many others who have endured insomnia trying to piece together the puzzle that is Donnie Darko, I advise you sit in a dark room and spend the 1 hour 53 minutes in utter silence. If not, here's a rather amusing spoof-video attempting to explain everything in 60 seconds!

Rating:          Fantastico

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