Fish pedicures – novelty health treatment or life endangering risk?
After reports surfaced questioning the safety of fish pedicures BHBeat decided to conduct its own investigation into the truth behind this year’s most popular pampering pleasure.
If tanks are not safely maintained and filtered, and foot inspections aren’t thorough a person could risk contracting fungal infections such as athletes foot and on a more serious note HIV and Hepatitis C.
The fish pedicure treatments involve a person placing their feet, hands or face into a tank of Garra rufa fish, affectionately known as ‘doctor fish,’ and having dead and dry skin sucked off.
The doctor fish are in fact toothless and exfoliate skin to leave the exposed area smooth, it is also believed to help improve blood circulation.
Health experts warn that infection could be passed from human-to-human via the remnants of skin from an infected foot, that a fish still could be holding in its mouth or through the particles of skin remaining in the water.
If a person has an open cut or graze they also could risk contaminating the water if the appropriate pre-treatment checks aren’t made.
Podiatric surgeon Mike O’Neill, from the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists, spoke to BHBeat about his concerns about the potential for infection to spread in the water.
“What needs to be looked at is how easy it is to kill the spores [caused by fungal infections], do you have to use a stronger anti-sceptic? If they cure the spores, it would kill the fish.”
“If the anti-sceptic is not strong enough to kill the fish then chances are it’s not going to be strong enough the kill the fungal infection.”
Mike warned that if feet are not inspected closely enough fungal infection as well as the potential for other more dangerous viruses to spread.
“Hepatitis is a strong virus [out of the body], so if someone did have Hepatitis could it actually be passed through the water? I have not seen enough evidence based researched.”
“Maybe it’s the fish we should be more sympathetic too,” he joked.
Silki Soles Foot and Nail Salon, in Poole, has surprisingly benefitted from the negative publicity about fish pedicures and received an increase in bookings after the stories came out about the potential health risks.
Manager Sophie Dack-Stainer believes her business has thrived due to them ‘following the correct regulations’ to ensure people are not in any danger.
“We don’t allow anyone in our tanks with verrucas or fungal infections and all our girls are trained in hygiene. We have to turn people away if they could pose a threat to our fish or potential clients.
“Our tanks are filtered ten to twelve times per hour - our water is probably cleaner than what we drink, which is quite scary.”
Other precautionary measured are taken to ensure cleanliness, including a biweekly visit from an aquatic specialist to examine the health of the fish, and the temperature and regulation of the water in their tanks.
Sophie is not worried by the recent news stories but hopes it will make less reputable companies who provide fish pedicure treatments to adhere to the correct regulations.
“It shows up people doing it wrong so it’s good. I think the regulation is a good thing, as now everyone will follow the rules.”
After a recent tirade of worried messages about the safety of fish pedicures the government Health Protection Agency (HPA) looked into the claims about catching HIV or Hepatitis C.
In a statement the HPA confirmed that:
“Fish tank water has been shown to contain a number of microorganisms. Therefore, in a fish spa setting there is the potential for transmission of a range of infections.
“The overall risk of infection is likely to be very low, if appropriate standards of hygiene are adhered to”
Dr Hilary Kirkbride, consultant epidemiologist at the HPA, added: “Provided that good standards of hygiene are followed by salons, members of the public are unlikely to get an infection from a fish spa pedicure, however the risk will be higher for certain people.
Such as people suffering from diabetes, psoriasis or a weak immune system who are advised that they should avoid the beauty treatment all together.
If you are concerned about a salon’s level of cleanliness, you can report them to the Environmental Health department at Bournemouth Council on 01202 451451 or via their website
Written by Joshua Saunders
Once again a special thanks to Mike O'Neill, Sophie Dack-Stainer and Jo Timmins for their willing contribution to reveal the answers people need to know.
At long last my piece explaining the truth behind fish pedicures has finally been published.
Read the story below at:
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